Thursday, May 22, 2008

High cholesterol level can be balanced by green tea

It is not funny when your doctor said that you got high cholesterol level in your blood, and you are the next candidate to get heart attack. Some of us get panic and grab anything to lower our high cholesterol level.

Many high-caliber scientists take it for granted that folklore mixes well with modern science. For Example, I n 1985, several prominent scientists from Japan’s National Institute of Genetics published a paper with a fanciful title, “A Case of the Green Tea Factor.” It was a rave review for a factor isolated from Japanese green tea leaves called “epigallo-catechin-gallate,” which in lab culture tests is an antagonist to cancer-producing chemicals. Nestled in the paper was a paragraph calling attention to the fact that “in China, green tea has been considered as a crude medicine for 4000 years.” The investigators did no quarrel with reports that green tea could protect blood vessels, suppress cancer, and prolong the life span. Now some of doctor prescribes green tea extract for regulating the high cholesterol level.

The point is not whether tea does all theses things – although there is strong evidence that it is potent therapeutically – but that top-notch scientists are no longer reluctant to entertain the thought that it could.

Much of the new scientific interest in the food pharmacy is linked with ancient and current folklore.

Several cultures do not blush at prescribing tea for heart disease. Russian scientists, after prolific studies on patients, praise tea’s ability, mainly because of its catechins, to delay atherosclerosis, strengthen capillaries; thin the blood, lower blood pressure. Tea Catechins is called “Superior to every known capillary-strengthening drug.” Tea drinkers had only two thirds as much heart artery damage and one third as much brain artery damage as coffee drinkers. Green tea also can balance your high cholesterol level.

There is one good report about regulating the high cholesterol level. You can find it at

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing will benefit human health
and increase the chances
for survival of life on Earth
as much as the evolution
to a vegetarian diet.
Albert Einstein

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

If you like to sport to keep your health. Take this bag while you shop.

BEANS (Green)

Green beans contains a number of constituents that are valuable. Vitamins A, B-complex, C, Chlorophyll, carbohydrates, and minerals including phosphorus, calcium, copper and cobalt.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Link between Life and Death

All animal life - including man, since man and animal have a common life-style on this planet- is nourished directly or indirectly by plants.

Plant life is the processing device by which Nature extracts foot elements from th sun, soil and water and prepares then for assimilation. Ancient alchemists searched for a process that would transmute base metal into gold, and never found it. Yet plants do that mysterious task with ease. Inorganic, lifeless mineral matter is converted into living organic material which, when presented to the human body, is hungrily absorbed. These inorganic substances, if obtained without the intervention of plant life, cannot sustain life, in fact, many of them are poisonous and will destroy tissue.

Take the case of oxalic acid, which is found in combination with sodium potassium, calcium, iron an manganese in the juice of many plants. When oxalic acid acid is prepared by man by oxidizing sugar and starch with nitric acid, it is one of the most powerful poison known. One dram will quickly prove fatal, destroying the organic structure of any tissue it touches, eating away the tissues of the mouth, stomach, duodenum, finally perforating the peritoneum and, approximately thirty minutes after ingestion, bringing death after great pain and suffering.

Yet the same acid in the form of iron oxalate, potassium or sodium or calcium oxalates as found in rhubard, sorrel leaves, cinchona, oak bark, spinach, etc, is quite harmless and is consumed by man and animals in large quantities.

The difference between inorganic and organic is no longer important once the material has been processed by man's greatest friend, the abundant plant life gracing this planet.